Monday, April 8, 2013



Genesis 2:15 "And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it."

Gardens that bear fruit; will enhance life to all those that partake!
We just returned from a mini vacation; thus we had gobs of catching up to do in our garden. With this recession that this world is presently in, millions of gardens are popping up all around.
Our family has been gardening for many years now. There have been seasons of plenty and seasons of 'famine'. During the later we found it quite disheartening not finding fruit / vegetables on the those lovely green plants. Reasons vary; pests, disease, drought, over watered, imbalanced soil, not enough nutrients in addition-in our case this year, 'theft' is added on to the list.
Last year, we were so excited we had an abundant of luscious plants flourishing all over our garden.    Yet, to our misfortune we had to accept defeat to yet another season of famine once again.

As I was working hard yesterday in my garden, with all three of my children; a feeling of strong determination arose once again, I heard myself say; "This garden is going to give me vegetables this year, no matter how hard I have work! [With a growl included!]
Laying in bed, aching with sore muscles-the Lord showed me a picture of my lovely green garden. He then compared it to my children, and so many children all around. As those bright green plants that appear so beautiful, strong and healthy grow, so do our kids, they LOOK really good! We raise them to be SMART and PRETTY; not surrounded by weeds-just standing tall and appealing.
Yet, where is the fruit which is the purpose of the (plant) child in the first place? What good is it to be just a plant without the fruit? Song of Solomon 5:1 "I am come into my garden, my sister, my spouse: I have gathered my myrrh with my spice; I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey; I have drunk my wine with my milk: eat, O friends; drink, yea, drink abundantly, O beloved." Wow! As parents, we are garden keepers. We do ALL we can to be assured that our 'fruits from God' will be prosperous for the His Kingdom. After they are grown, it is between the (plant) person and God if there will be good fruit.
So, what can we do then as parents or even as stewards for our own garden to be assured there will be fruit?

Answers are always obvious, God makes it quite clear in His Word-yet we still don't see it being applied to the majority of spiritual gardens all around. Yesterday, I noted that I just saw a couple blooms on my tomato plants. It has been raining quite a bit in Illinois, thus the SUN has not been able to shine through the clouds onto my plants.

Mark 10:14 "He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." It is VITAL that not only do we water our children with our love, feed them with God's Word, till up the weeds with discipline and work, but take them into the Presence of the SON bask in His Presence daily. Not rush it, teach them to wait and dwell there. Walking in the Spirit, flowing doing His work.
The result; a life for us as well as for them to be able to give to others. Nothing like a good garden tomato, and the vitamins a body receives as it is eaten. When our children are around our own family, neighbors, friends, church brothers and sisters and the lost of the world--what will they get to partake from your children's lives?

From your lives? Is there fruit now? Do you see the blooms growing? If not, let that be a SIGN for you as a parent (or I am writing to one who is applying this to their own heart), STOP now; re evaluate your gardening experience. Line out your lives according to the Master Gardener...(in His Word) and take time DAILY to bask in His Presence! See the fruit grow!
It will be worth all the hard, diligent work in the end!

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